3 min read

Who is Managing Your Notices?

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jul 25, 2024 @ 12:43 PM

Notices are a way for taxing jurisdictions to get in touch with you. Monitoring and responding to notices as well as making the corresponding adjustments or taking the prescribed actions is one of the many pieces of your sales tax compliance process. A very important piece in fact, as ignoring a notice can put you and your business in hot water, opening the door to additional penalties and fees. So who is managing your sales tax notices?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
2 min read

How Does My Business Get Flagged for an Audit?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jul 23, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

The nature of sales tax audits has changed over the last several years, post-Wayfair. Prior to Wayfair, a significant component of sales tax audits was focused on use tax. Specifically, tax due on purchases that were not charged since the vendor did not have nexus in the state of the sale.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax audits
4 min read

How to Maintain Compliance Documentation for Sales Tax Audits

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jul 18, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Maintaining compliance documentation is crucial for businesses to ensure smooth and successful audits. Proper documentation allows auditors to interpret and verify your financial transactions accurately. Unfortunately, many businesses find themselves unprepared when faced with an audit, lacking the necessary documentation. This can lead to auditors assuming transactions are taxable, or making historical projections or arbitrary assessments of taxable sales. 

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax audits
3 min read

The importance of tax mapping

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jul 16, 2024 @ 03:10 PM

Knowing when and where you have sales tax obligations is a key part of compliance. And understanding your taxability – especially if you don’t sell just tangible personal property (TPP) – is key to getting the right sales tax rates on transactions.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability
5 min read

How to Respond to Sales Tax Notices

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jul 11, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

You may think your business is in full compliance with your sales tax obligations nationwide – and you may well be – but America’s 13,000-plus sales tax jurisdictions love to send notices. And without the right correspondence or adjustments due to these notices, you could be in hot water.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax filing
3 min read

Half a dozen ways to mismanage sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jul 09, 2024 @ 11:20 AM

Sales tax compliance has many moving parts, not just in the filing but in everything that goes into making sure you stay on the legal side of the jurisdictions where you have sales tax nexus.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax filing
2 min read

Understanding situs for sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jul 02, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

We hear a lot about nexus and various thresholds... but what is a tax situs?

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax compliance sales tax retail economic nexus
6 min read

What's new in sales tax?

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jun 27, 2024 @ 11:01 AM

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of June's tax highlights and changes.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
3 min read

Sales tax and acquisitions – buyer beware

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jun 25, 2024 @ 12:05 PM

Mergers and acquisitions suffered a slump right after the pandemic but are rebounding. There are tens of thousands of such deals annually in the U.S. even in a slow year (often driven lately, observers remark, by big paydays for the deals’ principals).

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
6 min read

As Wayfair turns 6, what’s happening with economic nexus? (part 2)

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jun 20, 2024 @ 11:09 AM

The landmark 2018 Supreme Court decision transformed state sales tax for online businesses, and it continues to do so. Wayfair isn’t going anywhere.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax south dakota vs. wayfair economic nexus
4 min read

As Wayfair turns 6, what’s happening with economic nexus? (part 1)

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jun 18, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Six years ago this Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court decided, narrowly, to complicate life for online sellers.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax south dakota vs. wayfair economic nexus
4 min read

Cookies, clicks and Wayfair: Why economic nexus started

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jun 13, 2024 @ 01:03 PM

It seems like yesterday when only physical nexus ignited a company’s sales tax obligations in a state. Six years ago this month, that changed with one court decision.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax south dakota vs. wayfair
4 min read

How to register for states’ sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jun 11, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Do you need a state sales tax permit? How about a sales tax license? How about a sales tax certificate of authority? Did you know they’re all the same thing? How do you spell “FEIN” anyway, and when do you need one to sell into a state?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax registrations
5 min read

10 Hidden Costs of Sales Tax Compliance

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jun 06, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Streamlining your sales tax compliance process doesn't just reduce your exposure to risk and save valuable time — it also instills a sense of security. Yet, making the wrong choice in selecting a partner can lead to unforeseen and escalating expenses.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax filing
3 min read

Gross receipts and your sales tax responsibility

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jun 04, 2024 @ 12:14 PM

After you’ve been fielding your filing and remittance obligations for a while, sales tax can seem simple: Charge it to the customer, collect it and send it back to the state when you file your sales tax return. Easy enough.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
7 min read

Reasons to Outsource Your State and Local Tax Compliance

By Robert Dumas on Thu, May 30, 2024 @ 11:47 AM

Managing your sales and use tax and property tax obligations is a necessary evil for most businesses, creating heavy time and expense burdens on internal tax and accounting teams. As complications in managing SALT compliance continue to grow, many businesses have looked to outsourcing tax compliance to these functions. Outsourcing SALT compliance can be quite beneficial for many businesses, relieving them of time-consuming tasks and potentially saving them money as well.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
3 min read

5 Common Business Situations That Can Expose You to Sales Tax Risk

By Robert Dumas on Tue, May 28, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Managing your sales and use tax process can be difficult for businesses of all sizes and industries. Unlike most countries, there isn't a nationwide sales tax. So keeping up with the continual changes in states and local jurisdictions and maintaining a fully accurate compliance process for a complex business could make even the best of sales tax experts dizzy.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax economic nexus
5 min read

Registering for Sales Tax

By Robert Dumas on Thu, May 23, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

This blog was written with the help of EIN Express. Learn more about their services: https://www.einexpress.com/ 

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax registrations
4 min read

Sales tax holidays: What’s coming this year?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, May 21, 2024 @ 11:48 AM

States’ sales tax holidays have been around almost half a century, but only recently have they gained widespread traction, usually as political tools to give taxpaying constituents a purported break and local retailers more foot traffic.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax retail ecommerce shopify
4 min read

Sales tax and Marketplaces: Who owns the responsibility?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, May 14, 2024 @ 11:33 AM

Once upon a time, selling online meant little more than setting up a website and sending both marketing efforts and sales direct to your customers from you.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax retail ecommerce shopify tiktok
3 min read

Physical nexus gotchas

By Robert Dumas on Thu, May 09, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Economic nexus has grabbed most of the headlines since the landmark Wayfair decision in 2018. Most online businesses probably think first about how much they sell in other states.

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax compliance sales tax
4 min read

What’s new in sales tax for April?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, May 07, 2024 @ 11:35 AM

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of the recent changes and updates.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
6 min read

6 US Sales and Use Tax Compliance Considerations that Foreign Based Businesses Can’t Forget!

By Robert Dumas on Thu, May 02, 2024 @ 11:46 AM

Selling your products/services into the US opens a sizable range of sales opportunities, but it could also open the door to significant complexity in managing your US sales tax obligations.  Once you understand when you have established a US sales tax obligation and know your products and services are taxable, it’s time to set up a filing process to ensure on-going compliance.

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax compliance sales tax economic nexus internationaltax
3 min read

Fee or Tax? A Retail Delivery Fee Q.&A.

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Apr 30, 2024 @ 11:30 AM

More states are plowing ahead with adding a new kind of expense to delivering in the eCommerce age. In what states do you have to watch for retail delivery fees (RDFs)?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax ecommerce
3 min read

Sales tax isn't simple: Is outsourcing the answer?

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Apr 25, 2024 @ 01:57 PM

There’s nothing like just walking down the hall of your office or clicking into a virtual team meeting to get an answer on something as complex and important as your company’s sales tax obligations.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax filing
2 min read

TaxConnex Awarded CLEARLYRATED’S 2024 Best of Accounting Award for Service Excellence for Second Year in a Row

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Apr 23, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

We are thrilled to announce we have been awarded ClearlyRated's Best of Accounting® Award for Service Excellence for the second year in a row! 

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax CPA Now it's all on us
9 min read

Sales Tax Q & A for Foreign Businesses Selling Into the US

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Apr 18, 2024 @ 11:15 AM

The United States has possibly the world’s most complex sales tax regime. This is due to each state setting its own sales tax rules, and states often take widely varying approaches. As a result, each state has a different tax framework, with varying rules around everything from tax liability and tax rates to exemption categories and reporting requirements. On top of this, some local area tax jurisdictions also have powers over some aspects of taxation and can set different rules for their city or county.

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax compliance sales tax economic nexus internationaltax
4 min read

Where and how does sales tax apply to marketing and digital advertising?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Apr 16, 2024 @ 11:13 AM

Some aspects of sales tax never seem to change, or they change infrequently. Be assured: Sales tax on marketing and digital advertising is not among those.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability
6 min read

Determining Who is At Risk for Responsible Party Laws within Your Company

By TaxConnex® on Thu, Apr 11, 2024 @ 03:15 PM

If your company sells into multiple states and has established sales tax nexus, it is critical that you evaluate your business’s exposure to sales and use tax liability as soon as possible. There are more than 10,000 taxing jurisdictions and many have their own unique set of rules and interpretations. Not collecting tax on a product or service appropriately could lead to significant exposure over time. And you may be the legally responsible person on the line to pay the penalties and interest, not your business.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax audits
2 min read

Vitamins, supplements and sales tax – the latest

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Apr 09, 2024 @ 11:13 AM

The common definition of dietary supplements and vitamins is a non-food item that includes a vitamin, mineral, herb, botanical, amino acid or dietary substance. So are supplements and vitamins taxable? The answer: “Sometimes.”

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability
3 min read

Transaction Thresholds: Vanishing Acts?

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Apr 04, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Economic nexus thresholds in many states depend on two numbers. Now, almost six years after the landmark Wayfair case ignited sales tax obligations for more remote sellers, one of those numbers might be falling out of favor.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax economic nexus
3 min read

TaxConnex® Achieves World Class NPS Score, Showcasing their Ability to Provide a Hands-On, Full Service, Sales Tax Outsourcing Solution 

By TaxConnex® on Tue, Apr 02, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

We recently completed our fourth annual client survey and are excited to announce that we have received a world class NPS score of 87!

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax Now it's all on us
5 min read

US Sales Tax Basics for International Companies

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Mar 28, 2024 @ 01:45 PM

Companies outside the United States that sell into America most likely know sales tax obligations from experience with Europe’s value-added tax (VAT) or Canada’s Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Provincial Sales Tax (PST).

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax internationaltax VAT
4 min read

6 Steps to Getting Sales Tax Compliance Right in 2024

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Mar 26, 2024 @ 11:38 AM

We are at the end of Q1 of 2024 and continue to discuss how to ensure your business is set up to get your sales tax compliance right in 2024. If you’re like the over 49% of businesses who participated in our annual sales tax trends survey and are unsatisfied with the way you are managing sales tax, then you’re in the right place.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
5 min read

What’s new in sales tax?

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Mar 21, 2024 @ 11:20 AM

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of the recent changes and sales tax updates.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
4 min read

VAT, GST and will the U.S. see a national tax?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Mar 19, 2024 @ 10:24 AM

Wouldn’t it be amazing if your online business had to deal with just a single sales tax rate?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax canada internationaltax VAT
3 min read

Surviving a sales tax audit

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Mar 14, 2024 @ 12:09 PM

The fear of a sales tax audit from one of the country’s thousands of tax jurisdictions is legitimate. Audits can disrupt your business and potentially cost you thousands of dollars.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax audits
3 min read

Automation’s place in compliance

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Mar 12, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Since the first adding machine showed up on counters to help shopkeepers tack on the correct sales tax, automation has been part of compliance. Now the buttons and the lever have given way to behind-the-scenes software and automatic functionality.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax calculation software
7 min read

The Complexities of Sales Tax On Leases | TaxConnex

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Mar 07, 2024 @ 11:30 AM

Today’s economy has allowed rental and leasing companies to flourish. Companies rent and lease everything from camera lenses to designer clothes to heavy machinery. Many jurisdictions charge sales tax for the rental or lease of tangible personal property. One key sales tax nexus-creating activity is owning property in a particular jurisdiction. Because the rental or leasing company maintains ownership of the item, they establish a physical presence when renting or leasing an item.

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax taxability
4 min read

Sales tax and NFTs: Latest developments

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Mar 05, 2024 @ 11:23 AM

The non-fungible token (NFT) remains a sizzling commodity. These digitized assets denote ownership of such collectibles as sports cards and artwork, even designer digital footwear.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability
5 min read

LEAP into Compliance in 2024

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Feb 29, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Happy Leap Day! While not at all related to sales tax, we thought that as we spend a day aligning our seasons and the Earth’s orbit of the sun, we should also discuss how to ensure your processes align with maintaining sales tax compliance in 2024!

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
3 min read

In ongoing accounting crunch, where to go for sales tax help?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Feb 27, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Your sales tax obligations depend on knowledge and that knowledge often resides in a professional tax specialist (usually an accountant) who helps your company meet its sales tax obligations.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax CPA
3 min read

The changing state of e-commerce

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Feb 22, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Not long ago, clicking a computer mouse to buy something was an idea of science fiction. Today, of course, e-commerce is how a significant amount of shopping takes place in general. Capital One reports that global e-commerce retail sales will hit some $6.91 trillion this year, up 9.5% from total e-commerce retail sales in 2023.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax retail ecommerce
2 min read

5 Key Findings from Our Annual Survey of Financial Professionals and The Impact of Sales Tax On Their Business

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Feb 20, 2024 @ 11:27 AM

At the beginning of January we announced the release of our annual sales tax survey. This year’s results provided insights into how businesses are managing the complexities of sales tax and how they are being impacted by economic and regulatory structures. The nationwide survey, conducted by In90Group in November of 2023, is composed of responses from 100 top finance professionals in a variety of industries regarding their thoughts and experiences in managing sales tax. 5 of our key findings relating to the impact of sales tax are below:

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
5 min read

What's new in sales tax?

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Feb 15, 2024 @ 11:55 AM

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of the recent changes and updates.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
2 min read

The Current State of Managing Sales Tax Obligations

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Feb 13, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

To help financial leaders better understand what their peers are doing when it comes to sales and use tax in 2024, TaxConnex® conducted its fourth annual sales tax survey in November of 2023. More than 100 financial leaders from different industries and from a wide range of sizes responded. Their responses are included in the following blog.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax CPA
3 min read

Hot Topics: Sales Tax Rates

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Feb 08, 2024 @ 11:17 AM

Sales tax compliance depends on many factors. One of the most important – and the most incessantly changing – is the tax rates that America’s thousands of jurisdictions impose.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
6 min read

6 Sales Tax Filing Mistakes Businesses Commonly Make

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Feb 06, 2024 @ 11:20 AM

Sales tax is not something top of mind for most executives, but it is something that the majority of businesses will have to manage at some level. No matter the size of your business, if you are selling a taxable product or service and establishing nexus in specific states or jurisdictions, then you have a sales tax obligation. While it is not meant to be a burden on the seller, many businesses have been left scrambling to understand how to manage the complex process of sales tax compliance. There are many moving parts and as states continue to make adjustments to their statutes, it is important to stay in the know.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
4 min read

The over-and-over process of sales tax compliance

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Feb 01, 2024 @ 11:36 AM

Well, it’s Groundhog Day ... again ... – Phil Connors, Groundhog Day

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
2 min read

Hot Topics: Sellers and marketplace facilitators

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jan 30, 2024 @ 11:24 AM

Every now and then something comes along that transforms sales tax. The 2018 Wayfair decision was such a milestone. Another was the advent of the likes of marketplace facilitators such as Amazon, Etsy and eBay, among others.

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax compliance sales tax economic nexus ecommerce
2 min read

Hot Topics: Taxability

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jan 25, 2024 @ 11:12 AM

Clients often ask us, “How often should we evaluate the taxability of our products?” An annual review should work. Most states change their sales tax rate laws on either Jan. 1 or July 1, by the calendar year or by the fiscal year.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability sales tax news
4 min read

3 additional considerations for SaaS on managing sales tax obligations

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jan 23, 2024 @ 11:20 AM

Sales and use tax generally applies to the sale or use of tangible personal property and certain services. Since software, and especially Software-as-a-Service, may not be delivered in a tangible form, many technology and software companies have considered themselves exempt from sales and use tax. But this is not always the case. In fact, many states impose sales and use tax on services provided by the technology industry.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax software SaaS
3 min read

Hot Topics: Economic Nexus Thresholds and Reporting Requirements

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jan 18, 2024 @ 12:08 PM

What’s the latest brewing today in sales tax? A lot, spanning many hot topics – and if you can believe it, not all the news is bad.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news economic nexus
3 min read

Complexities of SaaS Taxability

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jan 16, 2024 @ 11:52 AM

Do you sell software-as-a-service (SaaS)? Then you already have one of the most complicated situations in sales tax.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax SaaS
3 min read

TikTok Shop and sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jan 11, 2024 @ 11:35 AM

Business explosions are often followed by money-making opportunities within those businesses. With TikTok, the red-hot display showcase of short videos and influencers with more than a billion monthly active users, that opportunity takes the form of TikTok Shop.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax shopify tiktok
4 min read

The Impacts of Managing Sales and Use Tax Obligations on Financial Professionals – Our 4th Annual Survey Results to be Released

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jan 09, 2024 @ 11:01 AM

We are excited to announce the completion of our fourth annual sales tax survey.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax CPA
5 min read

2023 in review: The year in sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jan 04, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

No year’s ever dull in sales tax, and the pace has only accelerated in the five years since the Supreme Court’s Wayfair decision. In 2023, familiar trends and new issues showed up across the states.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
4 min read

Estimating Your Sales Tax Exposure

By TaxConnex® on Tue, Jan 02, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to make sure you’re complying with sales tax in 2024?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
4 min read

2024: What’s coming up in sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Dec 28, 2023 @ 01:26 PM

The new year will no doubt be another active one in sales tax. Let’s look at a few of the likeliest tax developments.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
2 min read

How to Correct Previous Non-Compliance with Sales & Use Tax

By TaxConnex® on Thu, Dec 21, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

It’s the end of the year and as we all start to think about our New Year’s resolutions, it’s also a good time to start thinking about correcting any sales tax missteps your business may be facing.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax audits VDA
6 min read

3 Options for Optimizing Your Telecom Product Catalog

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Dec 19, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

This blog is an excerpt from our eBook with The CommLaw Group.

As a communications company, you face some of the most complex tax and regulatory rules of any industry. Whether you run an established business or you’re thinking about entering the VoIP, UCaaS, or other telecom market, it is important to understand your compliance obligations. Just as important … you need to comply while keeping your price competitive.

How do you do this? By optimizing your telecom compliance process!

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax telecom tax
3 min read

Services: Taxable or not?

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Dec 14, 2023 @ 11:46 AM

In sales tax calculation, you deal with the “hard” and the “less-hard.”

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability exemptions
4 min read

Sales tax ‘responsible party’ laws still going strong

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Dec 12, 2023 @ 11:21 AM

Business truism has it that limited liability corporations and similar entities shield the personal property and assets of their owners and major shareholders from company bills and missteps. That’s true for many of the fiscal messes that can befall a company.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax audits
3 min read

What’s new in sales tax?

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Dec 07, 2023 @ 11:05 AM

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of the recent 2023 sales tax changes and updates.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
3 min read

Does sales tax apply to memberships?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Dec 05, 2023 @ 12:03 PM

Clubs and dues have been around for decades, but the rise of certain memberships – and the ability to sell them over the Internet – have also raised the question of whether there's a sales tax on memberships and dues.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
2 min read

5 Benefits of Sales and Use Tax Overpayment Reviews

By Scott Schwertner on Thu, Nov 30, 2023 @ 11:14 AM

Blog authored by Scott Schwertner, National Director of Sales and Use Tax for Invoke Tax Partners. 

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
3 min read

Should you charge sales tax to international customers?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Nov 28, 2023 @ 11:20 AM

Selling outside the U.S. does not free you from the complexities of sales tax. Many countries enforce sales tax, presenting challenges for international companies and sales. While it may resemble U.S. practices, nuances vary for international customers and purchases.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax internationaltax VAT
3 min read

5 Situations CPAs Need to Watch for in Managing Their Clients' Sales & Use Tax Risk

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Nov 21, 2023 @ 12:33 PM

In the world of accounting and tax, CPAs, accounting firms, and advisory firms play a vital role in helping individuals and businesses manage their finances and stay within the rules. But one tricky area that often causes headaches is sales and use tax.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax filing
4 min read

How To Qualify For Telecommunications Tax Exemptions

By TaxConnex® on Thu, Nov 16, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

At TaxConnex, we work with telecommunications service providers of all sizes.  Many are existing MSPs (Managed Service Providers) or IT management companies that would like to expand their service offering and become “stickier” with their clients.

Topics: telecom tax
4 min read

A Strategic Timeline for Implementing a Sales Tax Strategy and Process - Part 2

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Nov 14, 2023 @ 11:19 AM

A job as intimidating as setting up a system to handle your sales tax obligations can be a lot easier if you have an idea how long it will take. As with most aspects of sales tax, there are no fixed answers, but we can give you an idea.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax filing
3 min read

A Strategic Timeline for Implementing a Sales Tax Strategy and Process - Part 1

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Nov 09, 2023 @ 11:49 AM

Exactly how long will it take you to set up a process to evaluate and comply with your sales tax obligations? It depends on your business and where you are in your sales tax journey. It could take as little as a month or so or up to six months (or more).

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax registrations
2 min read

Your need-to-know: vendor compensations and discounts

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Nov 07, 2023 @ 11:50 AM

Hard to believe if you’ve ever dealt with sales tax jurisdictions, but they will actually give you a break on paying your sales tax in the form of vendor discounts and compensations.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax calculation sales tax filing
3 min read

Don't Forget Sales Tax When It Comes to Year-End Planning for Your Clients!

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Nov 02, 2023 @ 11:00 AM


Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax CPA
3 min read

Sales Tax Horror Stories: Adding new products without checking taxability

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Oct 31, 2023 @ 11:11 AM

Adding a new product is great, new revenue streams are wonderful. Just don’t let sales tax turn the situation into a nightmare.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability economic nexus
3 min read

Sales Tax Horror Stories: Automation

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Oct 26, 2023 @ 12:06 PM

Sales tax is a major obligation for your business. As with most such obligations, you probably ask, “Can automation help me?”

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax calculation software
2 min read

Sales Tax Horror Stories: Audits

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Oct 24, 2023 @ 12:39 PM

“Scary” has five letters. Know what word in sales tax also has five letters?


Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax audits
2 min read

Sales Tax Horror Stories: Notices

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Oct 19, 2023 @ 12:07 PM

Often as things change in sales tax – and they change often – one constant keeps lurching along. Tax jurisdictions love to send notices, and usually it’s to say “Boo!” and not just “Hi.”

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
3 min read

Sales Tax Horror Stories: M&A

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Oct 12, 2023 @ 11:16 AM

The past two years have seen nearly 46,000 M&As in the United States. It's clear that nothing can boost a business like the right merger or acquisition.

Yet many of these deals tank: as many as 70% to 90%, Harvard Business School has reported. And one thing that can pound a stake through the heart of a promising M&A is unearthing past tax liability during due diligence.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax audits
3 min read

What you need to know: “Origin” vs. “destination” states

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Oct 10, 2023 @ 11:15 AM

Does sales tax get charged based on customer location or purchase location? You know our favorite saying – IT DEPENDS! This question is another one of those conundrums that sales tax likes to throw at businesses and in this blog we’ll be examining just that by looking at “destination-based” or “origin-based” rules for sales and use tax purposes.

Topics: sales tax sales tax filing
4 min read

Sales tax processes – beyond software’s promises

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Oct 05, 2023 @ 11:27 AM

Automated sales tax software promises to manage your filing and payments, but there’s more to sales tax compliance.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax filing registrations
4 min read

What’s new in sales tax?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Oct 03, 2023 @ 12:39 PM

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of the recent changes and updates.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
4 min read

Understanding sales tax permits

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Sep 28, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

You’ve learned what states you have nexus in and you know where your products/services are taxable. Now it’s time to register with the states to collect and remit sales tax. Where to begin?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax filing registrations
4 min read

Can an eCommerce platform alone manage sales tax?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Sep 26, 2023 @ 11:40 AM

The short answer: Maybe not.

Let’s look at a few factors that could make relying solely on an eCommerce tax platform for compliance risky for your company.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax calculation ecommerce
3 min read

Zero-Due Returns: What They Are and When You Have to File Them

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Sep 21, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Suppose youre registered for sales tax in a jurisdiction because you have established sales tax nexus. For various reasons though, you don’t have any sales tax to remit. You may think that because you haven’t collected any sales tax, you have no return to file.

Topics: sales tax sales tax filing
3 min read

Telecom tax and filing complexities

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Sep 19, 2023 @ 02:24 PM

Telecommunications companies face tougher problems than most other businesses when trying to comply with federal, state and local tax and regulatory obligations.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax telecom tax
4 min read

Sales tax for subscription-based businesses

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Sep 14, 2023 @ 11:20 AM

Are subscriptions taxable? Depends on what they’re for and where they’re delivered.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax ecommerce exemptions
2 min read

Introducing, eConnex, an eCommerce app to alleviate the complexities of filing sales tax returns from Shopify

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Sep 12, 2023 @ 11:26 AM

TaxConnex is excited to announce that we have launched a new app for Shopify users to easily pull data out of Shopify for a better returns filing process. The new app, eConnex, gives Shopify users a simple way to get their sales tax data out of Shopify and upload it into TaxConnex's Client Connexion for easy returns filing.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax Now it's all on us shopify
4 min read

Sales tax and nonprofits

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Sep 07, 2023 @ 11:20 AM

Nonprofit organizations are often thought to be exempt from sales taxes, but is that correct?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax exemptions
3 min read

Don't forget physical nexus!

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Sep 05, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Businesses who sell over the internet must pay a lot of attention to far-flung economic tax thresholds – all states with a statewide sales tax and more than a few localities enforce them now – so it’s easy to overlook a more obvious tripwire like physical presence.

Topics: sales tax nexus south dakota vs. wayfair retail
3 min read

Navigating the Complexities of Sales Tax in the Ever-Changing Landscape of Online Selling (part 2)

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Aug 31, 2023 @ 11:20 AM

Online selling of products and services triggers sales tax obligations today like never before – and has ever since the Supreme Court’s 2018 Wayfair decision unleashed economic nexus on e-commerce merchants nationwide.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax calculation ecommerce
2 min read

Navigating the Complexities of Sales Tax in the Ever-Changing Landscape of Online Selling (part 1)

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Aug 29, 2023 @ 12:16 PM

Online selling of products and services has always been in the vanguard of sales tax obligations. The situation has only gotten more complicated in the five years since the Supreme Court unleashed economic nexus with the Wayfair decision.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability ecommerce manufacturing
2 min read

Sales Tax Compliance - There Is No EASY Button

By TaxConnex® on Thu, Aug 24, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Sales tax automation has come a long way since the Quill vs. North Dakota case in 1992. Now, even the smallest multi-state businesses and startups have access to sales tax automation options that lower costs and ease the burden of compliance. AI is even making it’s way into the sales tax world, but how much do you trust an automated bot or machine with your sales tax obligations?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax calculation
4 min read

Construction contractors and sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Aug 22, 2023 @ 12:43 PM

Construction contractors have a tough job these days, given labor shortages, supply-chain headaches, and mushrooming regulations. If you’re in this industry, the last thing you need added to your load is sales tax.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax construction
4 min read

Sales tax industry of the month: Manufacturers

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Aug 17, 2023 @ 11:32 AM

When it comes to sales tax, “manufacturing” is often defined as a physical application of materials and labor to change the characteristics of tangible personal property (TPP). Seems clear, but what about your tax obligations and exemptions?

Every state has nuances on how sales tax applies to the manufacturing process, equipment and materials. These gray areas can create big exposure for your business.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax manufacturing exemptions
5 min read

What’s new in sales tax?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Aug 15, 2023 @ 11:26 AM

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of the recent changes and updates.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
3 min read

Time constraints surrounding sales and use tax

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Aug 10, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Your online business is painfully aware of tax deadlines for income, payroll, property and other local taxes. Sales and use taxes have their deadlines, too – a dizzying number to follow, potentially with bad consequences if you miss even one.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax filing
2 min read

Managing Exemption Certificates – the importance of validation

By TaxConnex & CERTifyTax on Tue, Aug 08, 2023 @ 11:04 AM

Valid exemption certificates from your customers are critical in managing your overall sales tax risk. Yet a surprising number of companies have inadequate processes to receive, validate, maintain, and update exemption certificates.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax audits exemptions
3 min read

Telecommunications Tax Exemptions

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Aug 03, 2023 @ 10:45 AM

TaxConnex works with a lot of telecommunications service providers that are new to the business. Many are existing MSP’s (Managed Service Providers) or IT management companies that would like to expand their service offering and become “stickier” with their clients. They may have infrastructure in place to support the sales tax requirements of their existing business, but the telecommunications service presents a different set of issues.

Topics: sales tax telecom tax
4 min read

Refunds and your sales tax compliance

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Aug 01, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

It seems like a simple part of selling online. You sell an item to a customer, they decide for whatever reason to return it, and you give them a refund. Simple.

Except when sales tax becomes involved.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax retail ecommerce
4 min read

Three C’s of Sales Tax Compliance

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jul 27, 2023 @ 12:16 PM

Sales tax is meant to be a pass-through tax and thus one that should have minimal impact on a company’s bottom line. The sales tax is collected by businesses and “passed-through” to the taxing jurisdictions. Of course, there is cost associated with managing this compliance obligation; however, the costs of not managing the compliance process are significantly greater. If you fail to collect and remit the applicable sales tax when you have an obligation, under audit a jurisdiction will assess the tax due + a penalty + interest. This then becomes a bottom line hit unless you can recoup from your customers.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax calculation
4 min read

Telecom Faces Special Challenges with Taxes and Fees

By TaxConnex® on Tue, Jul 25, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

If you’re a telecommunications services company, you face greater trials than other businesses when complying with federal, state and local jurisdictions. In addition to state and local taxes, your business may also be subject to various federal and state regulatory obligations.

Topics: sales tax compliance telecom tax
2 min read

Exemption certificate management and audits

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jul 20, 2023 @ 11:24 AM

Maintaining current, valid exemption certificates is critical in managing your overall sales tax risk. Under audit, an otherwise exempt sale will be deemed taxable without such documentation from a customer – and just a few missing certificates can result in large penalties and interest.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax audits exemptions
3 min read

Sales tax holidays and taxability of clothing/back to school (part 2)

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jul 13, 2023 @ 02:19 PM

As we saw last time, sales tax holidays are continuing to enjoy a heyday this year. Here are the back-to-school and clothing holidays that start in August.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability sales tax news
3 min read

Sales tax holidays and taxability of clothing/back to school (part 1)

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jul 11, 2023 @ 11:22 AM

Returning to class probably doesn’t make too many students think of the word “holiday,” but tax jurisdictions have other ideas.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability sales tax news
2 min read

Costs of non-compliance (part 2)

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jul 06, 2023 @ 10:59 AM

In part 1, we looked at the mounting financial costs of maintaining sales tax compliance with the thousands of tax jurisdictions nationwide. Now let’s look at how some companies have tried to game the system – and what to do so you don’t have to run that risk.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax economic nexus
2 min read

Costs of non-compliance (part 1)

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jun 29, 2023 @ 05:08 PM

What a major issue for your remote business these days... Constantly changing regulations. Tens of thousands of tax jurisdictions coast to coast, from the biggest states to the tiniest municipalities and everywhere in between. All wanting you to calculate, collect and remit the precise amount of sales tax if you have nexus there.

Can all those tax authorities really keep up with your obligations? Should take a chance that a jurisdiction will never catch you? What happens if they do?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax economic nexus
4 min read

Sales Tax Software vs. Service Providers: Making the Right Choice for Your Business

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jun 27, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Staying on top of your sales tax obligations is crucial to maintaining compliance and avoiding costly penalties. However, navigating the complex world of sales tax filing is a lot for a business to manage without the right expertise.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax calculation sales tax filing
4 min read

Happy fifth birthday, Wayfair, as your rules keep changing

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jun 22, 2023 @ 11:56 AM

It’s been five years since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Wayfair decision gave tax jurisdictions the power to require out-of-state companies collect and remit sales tax. Those governments jumped on the chance of such revenue and continue to do so.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax south dakota vs. wayfair economic nexus
3 min read

States ease nexus thresholds

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jun 20, 2023 @ 11:13 AM

Almost five years ago, the Supreme Court’s Wayfair decision was heralded as a revenue gateway for almost all states to require remote sellers to collect and remit sales tax. Thresholds were established, filing forms and deadlines fixed and one by one states waited for the money to roll in (with Florida and Missouri among the latest of the 45, with Alaska perhaps soon to join them).

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
5 min read

You Can't Solve Sales Tax Problems with Technology Only

By TaxConnex® on Fri, Jun 16, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Since the Wayfair decision five years ago, sales tax compliance has had to become a major priority for businesses with multistate sales.  In fact, 33% of finance professionals rank their top two concerns of managing sales tax as keeping up with their evolving nexus footprint, according to a TaxConnex blind survey conducted at the end of 2022. The survey also stated that over 52% of financial leaders remain relatively unhappy with their company’s approach to managing sales tax.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax calculation sales tax filing
2 min read

Sales tax on deliveries: More states to follow Colorado

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jun 15, 2023 @ 11:09 AM

Call it a sales tax or a delivery fee of 27 cents. Just don’t call Colorado the only state implementing or considering such a surcharge on online sales: New York lawmakers will soon debate their own and Minnesota’s kicks in next year.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
2 min read

Can a software manage all your sales tax compliance?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jun 13, 2023 @ 12:08 PM

Sales tax compliance involves a highly complex set of rules and regulations. These rules change frequently in many jurisdictions, and the question of whether (and how) your company needs to collect and remit sales tax to a certain jurisdiction can be quite difficult to determine.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax calculation sales tax filing
1 min read

TaxConnex Unveils New Client Portal for Improved Client Experience and Data Security

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jun 08, 2023 @ 11:15 AM

TaxConnex® is excited to announce the launch of a new client portal, Client Connexion. Client Connexion will provide a streamlined client experience and enhanced data security through an intuitive user interface and encrypted portal.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax Now it's all on us
5 min read

5 tips for managing U.S. sales tax from overseas

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jun 06, 2023 @ 10:55 AM

If you’re a company outside of the United States and you look to start selling into America, congratulations – the U.S. offers you a huge new market. It also offers complex sales tax obligations you may not know about.

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax compliance economic nexus registrations
5 min read

Cancelling a sales tax registration

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jun 01, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Last time, we looked at trailing nexus and a few reasons you might want to cancel your sales tax registration with a state.

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax compliance economic nexus registrations
3 min read

What’s trailing nexus? And why should you cancel your sales tax registration?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, May 30, 2023 @ 04:01 PM

You know all about reaching sales tax nexus: selling enough or having a physical presence in a tax jurisdiction sufficient to create a connection with that jurisdiction and create an obligation for you to collect and remit sales tax.

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax compliance economic nexus
2 min read

10 steps to manage your sales tax obligations

By Robert Dumas on Thu, May 25, 2023 @ 11:54 AM

Sales tax is complex for businesses of all sizes. If you are a business with customers in multiple states, your scope and risk grows in accordance with the number of states and the sales tax complexities in those states. Sales tax obligations begin with whether you have nexus in a state or other locality. Nexus today largely stems from two main factors – a physical presence or economic presence. Once nexus has been established you must determine if your products/services are taxable. If you have nexus AND your products/services are taxable, then you likely need to register and comply.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax filing
2 min read

Loopholes and other odd sales tax rules, part 2

By Robert Dumas on Tue, May 23, 2023 @ 12:53 PM

Last time we looked at a sample of the strange sales tax laws regarding food, including a sliced bagel in New York. If only that was the only complex category concerning sales tax.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability
3 min read

Loopholes and other odd sales tax rules, part 1

By Robert Dumas on Thu, May 18, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Sales tax can be complicated, with rules that frequently change and disparate application across the nation’s thousands and thousands of tax jurisdictions.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability
4 min read

5 Reasons to Outsource Your Sales Tax Compliance Process

By Robert Dumas on Tue, May 16, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

As you are likely aware, managing your sales and use tax obligations is not a small task. Ensuring you have the right people and processes in place is key to maintaining compliance and not putting yourself or your business at risk.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax CPA
3 min read

The latest on the NOMAD states

By Robert Dumas on Thu, May 11, 2023 @ 12:17 PM

A state has not added a statewide sales tax since Richard Nixon was in the White House. Vermont was the last to do so in 1969. There are five remaining states with no state level sales tax: New Hampshire, Oregon, Montana, Alaska and Delaware – often referred to as the NOMAD states.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax economic nexus
7 min read

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Distributing Sales Tax Obligations to Other Team Members After Losing a Key Employee

By Robert Dumas on Tue, May 09, 2023 @ 02:33 PM

Losing an important member of your finance team can leave a big hole in many business processes, especially if most of your accounting functions are managed in-house. But what happens when you lose the person managing your sales tax obligations? For most businesses in this scenario – there are three options: 

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
4 min read

Charging sales tax based on an IP address

By Robert Dumas on Thu, May 04, 2023 @ 12:11 PM

When your customers shop with you online, they provide a physical billing or shipping address. Whether they know it or not, they also give you another bit of location information: an Internet Protocol (IP) address.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax software economic nexus
3 min read

Alaska moves toward statewide sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Tue, May 02, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy is reportedly preparing to introduce a sales tax as part of a long-term budget plan for the state.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
2 min read

Selling Into the U.S. - Understanding How Customer Location Impacts Which Sales Tax Rates and Rules You Apply

By Robert Dumas on Wed, Apr 26, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

The United States has possibly the world’s most complex sales tax regime. This is because each state sets its own sales tax rules, and states often take widely varying approaches. As a result, each state has a different tax framework, with varying rules around everything from tax liability and tax rates to exemption categories and reporting requirements. On top of this, some local area tax jurisdictions also have powers over some aspects of taxation and can set different rules for their area.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax economic nexus
1 min read

TaxConnex Wins ClearlyRated's 2023 Best of Accounting Award for Service Excellence

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Apr 25, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

We are excited to announce that we have won the Best of Accounting Awardfor providing superior service to their clients. ClearlyRated's Best of Accounting® Award winners have proven to be industry leaders in service quality based entirely on ratings provided by their clients.On average, clients of 2023 Best of Accounting winners are more than 1.7 times as likely to be satisfied than those who work with non-winning firms. TaxConnex received satisfaction scores of 9 or 10 out of 10 from 90.8% of their clients, significantly higher than the industry’s average of 50% in 2022.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax CPA Now it's all on us
4 min read

Why are there so many due dates for sales tax?

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Apr 20, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

If you refer to “filing taxes” most people think of income tax with its annual filing requirement. State sales tax is another beast altogether, with a dizzying number of deadlines – and, potentially, serious consequences for missing one.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
5 min read

What’s new in sales tax?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Apr 18, 2023 @ 11:47 AM

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of the recent changes and updates so far this year.

Topics: sales tax taxability sales tax news economic nexus
2 min read

Managing sales tax: Are businesses satisfied with the additional effort?

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Apr 13, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Our third annual survey of financial professionals across accounting, manufacturing, construction, software and technology, retail/eCommerce, telecom and others showed that many industries face sales tax challenges and that financial leaders continue to lean on internal resources to get the job done.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
4 min read

5 Tips to Minimize Risk Associated with Sales Tax Audits

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Apr 11, 2023 @ 12:52 PM

If you are a business that must collect and remit sales tax, an audit is probably one of your biggest fears. In fact, our annual survey of financial professionals on sales tax trends has ranked sales tax audits as a top worry for the third year in a row. Yet, when asked if they’ve seen audits increased, they’ve continually said the amount of audits they’ve seen has remained the same (66%). If the number of audits has remained the same, why is it a top worry?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax audits
3 min read

Sales tax challenges of software and tech companies

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Apr 06, 2023 @ 11:11 AM

The 2018 Supreme Court Wayfair decision gave us a bright line standard for determining sales tax nexus: Generate a set amount of revenue in a state in a set amount of time and your company has to collect and remit the applicable sales tax. Seems clear. However, companies still must deal with the ambiguous physical presence standards as well as the varying taxability rules from state to state.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax software SaaS
5 min read

Six tips to respond to a sales tax audit

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Apr 04, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

You just got notice of a sales tax audit. What now?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax audits
4 min read

The latest on a national sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Mar 30, 2023 @ 11:29 AM

Everything old is new again – and that goes for ideas of a U.S. national sales tax. H.R.25 of the 118th Congress, the GOP’s “Fair Tax Act of 2023,” is the latest attempt.

The embattled national sales tax bill, now in committee, was introduced early this year to replace the federal income tax. What’s in the Fair Tax bill? What’s at stake for the revenue of states that already have their own sales tax? And why should eCommerce companies pay attention?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
1 min read

TaxConnex® Receives World Class NPS Score for Third Year in a Row

By TaxConnex® on Tue, Mar 28, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

We recently completed our third annual client survey and are excited to announce that we have received a world class NPS score of 91! This is the third year that our NPS score has been labeled as world class, but this was our highest score yet, almost 10 points over previous years.
Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax Now it's all on us
6 min read

Get to Know TaxConnex: Partner Q&A Series - Jackie Breiter

By TaxConnex® on Thu, Mar 23, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Looking to find out more about TaxConnex? What better way than hearing from our founders and partners? Learn from the best by hearing from the ones that built TaxConnex. Over the last few months, we've been highlighting the Partners of TaxConnex. Finally, we have our Chief Operating Officer, Jackie Breiter!

Topics: sales tax Now it's all on us
5 min read

How to address growing skills gap for sales tax compliance

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Mar 21, 2023 @ 11:13 AM

The use of internal resources still seems the way to go for most companies struggling to meet their sales tax filing and remittance obligations. But for how long?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax CPA
4 min read

3 Sales tax pitfalls facing manufacturers and wholesalers

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Mar 16, 2023 @ 12:00 PM

Many manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors believe they have minimal sales tax obligations due to the likelihood of sales tax-exempt transactions. However, there are numerous pitfalls to be aware of.

Topics: sales tax taxability economic nexus manufacturing
2 min read

New year, new sales tax doings

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Mar 14, 2023 @ 11:23 AM

So far this year, multiple states have introduced new exemptions including some on necessities and at least one proposed tax credit on a politically charged kitchen appliance.

Topics: sales tax taxability sales tax news economic nexus
6 min read

Getting digital with sales tax in 2023

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Mar 09, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

At least three states opened this year with proposals to revamp taxes concerning digital advertising and data.

Topics: sales tax taxability sales tax news economic nexus
3 min read

Retailers/ecommerce companies face special sales tax challenges

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Mar 07, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Online retailers and eCommerce companies have been the focal point of taxing jurisdictions and their updated nexus laws for years.

Our third annual survey of financial professionals revealed a sales tax storm in many industries. Financial leaders continue to lean on internal resources while wrestling with the current economy, inflation and a tight job market.

Retail/eCommerce respondents to our survey reported challenges such as audits, timely filing of sales tax returns and charging the correct sales tax.

Topics: sales tax retail economic nexus ecommerce
4 min read

The importance of Documenting Your Sales Tax Compliance Process

By Brian Greer on Wed, Mar 01, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Sales tax compliance is riddled with risk. Failure to comply with the applicable sales tax rules can have a devastating effect on a business, but they’re often overlooked because they’re considered “pass-through” as the business is responsible for collecting the applicable taxes which pass through the business and are subsequently turned over or paid to the states. While these pass-through taxes are not meant to create a financial burden on a business, failure to comply can create significant risk, and managing the obligations can be a burden to the team that has to manage them.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
3 min read

Kentucky now taxes a range of services

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Feb 28, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Services” are generally not subject to sales tax while tangible personal property generally is subject to sales tax. This oversimplification can get you sideways in various states as there are lots of exceptions to these general rules. Kentucky is the latest in terms of taxing specific services.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability economic nexus
3 min read

A history of sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Feb 23, 2023 @ 11:14 AM

All Hail Sales Tax!
The history of taxes on certain goods dates back as far as 4,000 years. Ancient Egypt taxed cooking oil, for instance. The tax was levied on a product people had to buy and were forbidden to reuse (coincidentally, the Pharaoh had a monopoly on production).

Imperial Rome’s Julius Caesar is considered to have implemented a proper sales tax, a 1% flat rate across his entire Empire. Later, Caesar Augustus boosted the rate to 4%.

Medieval Spain collected a general sales tax from the mid-14th through the 18th centuries reaching as much as 15%. Many other taxes of the Middle Ages – such as that on soap in Great Britain – continued into modern times.

Starting about five centuries ago, England seems to have been a big fan of sales-like taxes on an array of common goods, such as playing cards (which lasted until 50 years ago), bricks, candles, wallpaper and hats. England also taxed salt, as did France – one cause of the latter’s bloody revolution in the late 1700s.

In more modern decades, Europe has largely elected to use a value-added tax (VAT).

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
1 min read

Ready for a Successful 2023

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Feb 21, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

We are excited to share in that we closed out 2022 breaking our annual new business revenue goal! We saw a 40% increase in new sales as compared to the prior year and are set for a great 2023.

Topics: sales tax sales tax news Now it's all on us
3 min read

The Big 3 Barriers to Managing Sales Tax

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Feb 16, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Think you’re the only one worried about sales tax compliance? According to our third annual Sales Tax Market Survey you’re not.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax CPA
3 min read

Love is in the air... and so is sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Feb 14, 2023 @ 11:08 AM

Candy, flowers, diamonds, romantic dinners out or a movie snuggled on the couch: The year’s biggest day for dates looms again, and here’s an update on sales tax considerations for Valentine’s Day.

Topics: sales tax retail ecommerce
3 min read

Update on local jurisdictions and sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Feb 09, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

States aren’t the only ones who can complicate your life with sales tax: Local governments want to play their part, too. Cities, counties and towns nationwide – which have almost all seen an increase in their sales tax revenues in recent years – constantly tinker with their own sales taxes. The states and local jurisdictions have been the beneficiary of economic nexus over the past four years.

Topics: sales tax sales tax news economic nexus
3 min read

5 Key Findings from TaxConnex’s 3rd Annual Sales Tax Trends Report

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Feb 07, 2023 @ 02:13 PM

Findings from the third annual Sales Tax Market Survey indicate that a perfect storm is brewing for financial leaders in the new year. Companies still struggle to navigate workforce shortages and retention of internal expertise, yet they remain highly dependent on in-house resources to perform many of the vital functions related to sales tax. Their resources are stretched thin, and bandwidth is reported to be the top barrier for success.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
3 min read

Wayfair still key in nexus judgments

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Feb 02, 2023 @ 11:14 AM

Two recent state courts’ determinations – one good for the seller, one not – show the continuing reach of Wayfair almost five years after the landmark Supreme Court decision regarding economic nexus.

Topics: sales tax south dakota vs. wayfair economic nexus
4 min read

Get to Know TaxConnex: Partner Q&A Series - Jeff Meigs

By TaxConnex® on Tue, Jan 31, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Looking to find out more about TaxConnex? What better way than hearing from our founders and partners? Learn from the best by hearing from the ones that built TaxConnex. Over the last couple months, we've been highlighting the Partners of TaxConnex. Next up, our Consulting Practice Leader, Jeff Meigs!

Topics: sales tax Now it's all on us
5 min read

What was new in December for state sales and use taxes

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jan 26, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of the recent changes and updates.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
3 min read

The latest on sales tax on shipping charges (part 2)

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jan 24, 2023 @ 11:14 AM

Shipping is indispensable to eCommerce yet sales tax on it remains a mishmash of regulations across the states.

In our previous blog, we looked at how exemptions, the taxability of the item being shipped and selling into tax-free states affect sales tax on shipping. What other factors change your shipping/sales tax obligations and in what states?

Topics: sales tax retail ecommerce
4 min read

What to know about responsible party laws

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jan 19, 2023 @ 11:24 AM

We hear a lot about “sales tax obligations,” but who exactly in your company is “obligated?”

You are, at least in many states.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax CPA
2 min read

The latest on sales tax on shipping charges (part 1)

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jan 17, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Online sales could not exist without shipping, and the charges associated with shipping are subject to sales tax in many states.

Question is, what states charge sales tax on shipping, and who has to pay?

Topics: sales tax retail ecommerce
3 min read

Sales tax and economic nexus in Puerto Rico

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jan 12, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Studies show that some 1.4 million people in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (more than a third of population) do their shopping online, with annual online purchases in the U.S. territory now at $458 million. The size of the average online transaction in Puerto Rico has almost tripled in the past six years.

It’s a fair bet, then, that sooner or later you’re going to be selling online into Puerto Rico, which has a sales tax. Every U.S. state with a sales tax has economic nexus thresholds – does Puerto Rico?

Topics: sales tax economic nexus ecommerce
2 min read

3rd Annual Sales Tax Market Research Survey Results Released!

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jan 10, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

We have completed our third annual survey of top financial professionals on how they are managing sales tax. This year’s results reveal a perfect storm is brewing for financial leaders who continue to depend on internal resources even though expertise and bandwidth is lacking while companies struggle with the current economic climate, rising inflation, and a tight job market.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax CPA
4 min read

The Sales Tax Requirements of Selling Into Canada

By TaxConnex® on Thu, Jan 05, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

U.S. sales tax is confusing enough. What if you begin selling into a foreign country? You’ve heard it before that US sales & use tax laws are some of the most confusing, but how are things done with our neighbor to the north? Especially for the northern states, having customers or clients in Canada can happen easily, but do the same rules apply? Is it easier to understand?

Topics: sales tax compliance
4 min read

Economic nexus overview - all states with sales tax now active

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Jan 03, 2023 @ 11:14 AM

Next summer will mark five years since the Supreme Court ignited economic sales tax nexus with the South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc et aldecision. Many businesses are still trying to figure out how to manage the resulting obligations, but one thing’s clear:

Now every state with a sales tax has economic nexus.

Topics: sales tax sales tax news economic nexus
6 min read

What happened in sales tax in 2022

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Dec 29, 2022 @ 12:50 PM

New sources of tax revenue, old ones robust but sputtering in spots, tax holidays as political tools amid inflation: It’s been a year of new trends in sales tax.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
4 min read

What is a sales tax exemption?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Dec 27, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

Sales and use tax nexus is defined as a connection between a person or entity and a taxing jurisdiction.  Sales tax nexus is the basis for all your sales tax decisions because without sales tax nexus you have no further obligation to a state.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
5 min read

Sales and Use Tax for Leasing – Not as simple as you may think

By Brian Greer on Thu, Dec 22, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

This was previously published in Monitor Daily – check out the article now!


Topics: sales tax taxability use tax leasing
4 min read

How Does Shopify Handle Sales Tax? | TaxConnex

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Dec 20, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms. The e-commerce website builder claims that more than 1.7 million businesses have made over $200 billion in sales with the Ottawa, Ontario-based company’s websites.

Free trials, tiered plans, 24/7 support, thousands of app integrations, unlimited storage and bandwidth… Truly does sound like whatForbes called an “all-in-one platform [with] everything you need to launch an online store.”

What about sales tax? How does Shopify handle sales tax?

Topics: sales tax retail ecommerce
4 min read

Get to Know TaxConnex: Partner Q&A Series - Brian Greer

By TaxConnex® on Thu, Dec 15, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

Looking to find out more about TaxConnex? What better way than hearing from our founders and partners? Learn from the best by hearing from the ones that built TaxConnex. Over the next few months, we will be highlighting the Partners of TaxConnex.  Next up, our CRO, Brian Greer.

Topics: sales tax Now it's all on us
2 min read

Cyber Monday again breaks records

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Dec 13, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

How big were online sales on Monday, Nov. 28?

Topics: sales tax retail ecommerce
4 min read

Managing Transactional Taxes as Your Business Grows Globally

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Dec 08, 2022 @ 11:15 AM

You may think that selling outside the U.S. spares you the complexities and headaches of sales tax thresholds. And you’d be right – except that in many countries you’d instead run into value-added tax (VAT) on transactions.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
4 min read

Calculation and Compliance: The Importance of Having Both in Your Sales Tax Process (But Not Necessarily By the Same Provider)

By Robert Dumas on Mon, Dec 05, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

Understanding the various aspects of your sales tax process is critical to keep your business on solid ground as it relates to sales tax and minimize your risk.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax calculation
5 min read

What was new in October for state sales and use taxes

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Dec 01, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of the recent changes and updates.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
5 min read

Top Tips to Prepare for an eCommerce Audit

By Brian Greer on Tue, Nov 29, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

*as previously posted on the Retailist – check out the article there - https://retailistmag.com/top-tips-to-prepare-for-an-ecommerce-audit/

Data shows that the likelihood of your business being audited is low, but that likelihood has been increasing in recent years. If you sell online across multiple states and have met economic thresholds or have a physical presence, you definitely don’t want to take that chance.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax audits ecommerce
2 min read

Accounting firms and sales and use tax advising: Perfect together?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Nov 22, 2022 @ 02:05 PM

In our blog last week, we looked at how sales and use tax advisory services might be a good new field for CPAs and accounting firms. How can they go about making the move?

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax CPA
3 min read

Don’t let Black Friday blind you to sales tax obligations

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Nov 17, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

Holiday shopping season is here again – and eCommerce looks to be bigger than ever. But retailers looking forward to perhaps record online sales have to remember how to comply with widely divergent sales tax regulations.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax retail ecommerce
2 min read

Can accounting firms move into sales tax advising?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Nov 15, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

Many certified public accountants (CPAs), enrolled agents and other tax preparers and professionals that run accounting and tax preparation firms are constantly looking for new advisory avenues to service clients.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax CPA
1 min read

TaxConnex® Proud to Exhibit at Thomson Reuters SYNERGY 2022 Conference

By Robert Dumas on Fri, Nov 11, 2022 @ 11:19 AM

Alpharetta, GA., November 11, 2022 - TaxConnex®, a technology-enabled sales tax compliance outsourcing provider, shared that they are exhibiting at Thomson Reuters SYNERGY 2022 Conference for Corporate Professionals November 13-16.

Topics: sales tax Now it's all on us events
5 min read

Get to Know TaxConnex: Partner Q&A Series - Robert Dumas

By TaxConnex® on Thu, Nov 10, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

Looking to find out more about TaxConnex? What better way than hearing from our Founders and partners? Learn from the best by hearing from the ones that built TaxConnex. Over the next few months, we will be highlighting the Partners of TaxConnex.  First up, our Founder and CEO, Robert Dumas.

Topics: sales tax Now it's all on us
2 min read

Sales tax and crypto: Latest developments

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Nov 08, 2022 @ 01:03 PM

Most of us are familiar with the scrutiny placed on cryptocurrencies by the IRS. The next federal 1040 has an even longer set of probing questions about crypto transactions.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability
2 min read

Digital advertising tax blocked

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Nov 03, 2022 @ 12:17 PM

A new tax law in Maryland seemed ready to rattle every company that sold digital products in the U.S. But a court has now invalidated the Maryland Digital Advertising Tax.

Topics: sales tax taxability sales tax news
4 min read

Sales tax concerns if you sell through multiple channels

By Brian Greer on Tue, Nov 01, 2022 @ 12:19 PM

This article was originally featured in the Retailist on October 3rd, 2022.

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax compliance economic nexus
3 min read

Construction Sales Tax Complexities | TaxConnex

By Robert Dumas on Sat, Oct 29, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

If you’re a construction contractor – especially if you’re engaged in contracts in different states – you have to evaluate your sales tax responsibilities in each state where you have customers.

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax taxability
2 min read

Tricky items for sales tax (Part 3)

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Oct 27, 2022 @ 11:22 AM

Our Halloween-month look at tricky items concludes with a natural: candy.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability
4 min read

What was new in September for state sales and use taxes

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Oct 25, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of the recent changes and updates.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
2 min read

Understanding Sales Tax Filing Periods & Frequency by State

By TaxConnex® on Wed, Oct 19, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

Sales tax, unlike other types of taxes, has many deadlines, not once or twice a year, but often every month and it doesn’t fall on the same day for every business, or state.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
3 min read

Tricky items for sales tax (Part 2)

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Oct 18, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

Our Halloween-month look at tricky items for sales tax continues here with a few items it’s hard to live without…

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability
3 min read

Tricky items for sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Oct 13, 2022 @ 11:18 AM

We’re fond of saying that nothing’s ever easy in sales tax. And here we’ll kick off our run toward Halloween with a look at one of the newest and trickiest areas of sales tax: electric vehicle chargers and charging.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax taxability
3 min read

In telecom case, fault is with the company – not the third-party provider

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Oct 11, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

A proposed penalty from the Federal Communication Commission shows the danger of a hire-and-forget attitude toward a third-party for tax compliance.

Topics: telecom tax economic nexus
4 min read

M&A negotiations and sales tax liability

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Oct 06, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

It’s a common scenario: A company has decided to sell, then due diligence turns up a $2 million risk in past sales tax obligations and compliance. The buyer looks to secure against the risk via escrow – on the conservative, high side – and requires the seller to mitigate the risk.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
4 min read

How to manage sales tax obligations

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Oct 04, 2022 @ 11:05 AM

So you’ve done the smart thing and determined that your company has sales tax obligations in various states. That’s a great first step. Now you must collect, file, and remit sales tax in multiple states.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax
2 min read

Amazon Warehouse Does Not Create Physical Nexus in PA

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Sep 29, 2022 @ 02:00 PM

In a decision that may eventually have sales tax repercussions elsewhere, a state court has decreed that an Amazon warehouse creates no physical nexus for a group of online sellers.

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax sales tax filing
4 min read

Risks of misunderstanding the impact of economic nexus

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Sep 27, 2022 @ 04:18 PM

By now most businesses that sell online have heard about nexus, the connection that a company has with a jurisdiction that ignites a sales tax obligation. Nexus can be economic and based on a threshold of sales volume in a given time. Nexus can also be physical, created by inventory, employees or reps in a state or jurisdiction.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax economic nexus
4 min read

What was new in August for state sales and use taxes

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Sep 22, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of the recent changes and updates.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
3 min read

How not to tank your sales tax audit (part 2)

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Sep 20, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

The sales tax audit can be one of the scariest – and costliest -- things an online business ever goes through. If you do get hit with an audit, it’s critical to handle the process correctly.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax audits
4 min read

How not to tank your sales tax audit (part 1)

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Sep 15, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

If you are a business that must collect and remit sales tax, an audit is probably one of your biggest fears. Rightly so: Sales tax audits can find fault with a variety of your operations and can cost you big– if the determination goes against you.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax audits
3 min read

Colorado: Fee or tax?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Sep 13, 2022 @ 02:39 PM

Remote retail sales just got rockier in Colorado, which has begun imposing a 27-cent fee on every retail delivery made by motor vehicle to a destination in the state.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax retail
4 min read

3 things to remember about economic nexus

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Sep 01, 2022 @ 07:30 PM

This June marked 4 years since the landmark Supreme Court decision that launched economic nexus, South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc et al, but many businesses are still trying to figure out how to manage sales tax obligations brought on by this decision.  The following is a list of 3 things you need to know to get started in understanding your economic nexus footprint.

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax economic nexus
4 min read

App Purchases | Sales and Use Tax On Apps | TaxConnex

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Aug 30, 2022 @ 02:10 PM

Many tech companies consider themselves a service provider exempt from sales and use tax. But the 2018 Wayfair decision expanded the definition of nexus and and more of these businesses are now subject to sales and use tax collection, including on one of their product staples: apps.

Topics: sales tax taxability software
6 min read

5 reasons you need continuity in a sales tax provider

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Aug 25, 2022 @ 12:12 PM

Consistent (i.e., “good”) service is a nice thing to have in any industry. In a field that changes as fast as sales tax, it’s a necessity.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax filing
4 min read

Taxability for Contractors

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Aug 25, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

A contractor is generally defined as someone who provides improvements to real property on a lump sum contract basis. From a sales and use tax perspective, there isn’t much of a difference between a subcontractor and a prime or general contractor. 

Topics: sales tax compliance taxability
1 min read

TaxConnex® Chosen to Speak at Two GSCPA Events This Fall and Exhibiting this Week at the Southeastern Accounting Show!

By TaxConnex® on Tue, Aug 23, 2022 @ 02:12 PM

We are excited to announce that we have been chosen by the Georgia Society of CPAs to speak at two events this fall and exhibit at this week’s Southeastern Accounting Show!

Topics: CPA Now it's all on us events
3 min read

Do Remote Employees Create a Sales Tax Nexus?

By TaxConnex® on Thu, Aug 18, 2022 @ 02:32 PM

Do remote employees create nexus? Well, a lot of times regarding sales tax, the answer to any question is, “It depends.” 

Topics: sales tax nexus sales tax compliance
2 min read

Sales tax is a tricky world

By TaxConnex® on Thu, Aug 11, 2022 @ 02:06 PM

A few recent developments – including scams and fine definitions –across the country show how sales tax compliance can be complicated.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
5 min read

What's new in July for state sales and use taxes

By TaxConnex® on Tue, Aug 09, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of the recent changes and updates.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax sales tax news
4 min read

Marketplace facilitators: Your latest Q. and A.

By TaxConnex® on Thu, Aug 04, 2022 @ 03:15 PM

We talk a lot about nexus and compliance processes in our content, but what about marketplace facilitators? In this blog we answer your top questions about marketplace facilitators.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax