
Sales Tax Blog

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Who is Managing Your Notices?

Notices are a way for taxing jurisdictions to get in touch with you. Monitoring and responding to notices as well as...

How Does My Business Get Flagged for an Audit?

Sales tax audit changes have occurred over the last several years, post-Wayfair. Prior to Wayfair, a significant...

How to Maintain Compliance Documentation for Sales Tax Audits

Maintaining sales tax compliance documentation is crucial for businesses to ensure smooth and successful audits. Proper...

The importance of tax mapping

Knowing when and where you have sales tax obligations is a key part of compliance. And understanding your taxability –...

How to Respond to Sales Tax Notices

You may think your business is in full compliance with your sales tax obligations nationwide – and you may well be –...

Half a dozen ways to mismanage sales tax

Sales tax compliance has many moving parts, not just in the filing but in everything that goes into making sure you...

Understanding situs for sales tax

We hear a lot about nexus and various thresholds... but what is a tax situs?

The situs is the location in which a...

What's new in sales tax?

There’s always something changing in the world of tax, especially sales tax. Here’s a review of some of June's tax...

Sales tax and acquisitions – buyer beware

Mergers and acquisitions suffered a slump right after the pandemic but are rebounding. There are tens of thousands of...

As Wayfair turns 6, what’s happening with economic nexus? (part 2)

The landmark 2018 Supreme Court decision transformed state sales tax for online businesses, and it continues to do so....

As Wayfair turns 6, what’s happening with economic nexus? (part 1)

Six years ago this Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court decided, narrowly, to complicate life for online sellers.

In the...

Cookies, clicks and Wayfair: Why economic nexus started

It seems like yesterday when only physical nexus ignited a company’s sales tax obligations in a state. Six years ago...

How to register for states’ sales tax

Do you need a state sales tax permit? How about a sales tax license? How about a sales tax certificate of authority?...

10 Hidden Costs of Sales Tax Compliance

Streamlining your sales tax compliance process doesn't just reduce your exposure to risk and save valuable time — it...

Gross receipts and your sales tax responsibility

After you’ve been fielding your filing and remittance obligations for a while, sales tax can seem simple: Charge it to...

Reasons to Outsource Your State and Local Tax Compliance

Managing your sales and use tax and property tax obligations is a necessary evil for most businesses, creating heavy...