Sales Tax News - July 27, 2017

By Brian Greer on Thu, Jul 27, 2017 @ 11:05 AM

Topics: sales tax news

Below are some proposed sales tax changes that could effect how you manage sales tax:

TARTA Tax Resolution

Ohio residents who are in favor of a sales tax increase for the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) recently spoke out in favor of passing a resolution that will help provide public transportation to neighboring communities.  The proposed change restructures the revenue model for TARTA by increasing the local sales tax 0.5 percent and doing away with the current use of property taxes.  Revenue estimates from the new sales tax are $30 million dollars.  TARTA plans to divide the funds among the communities that it serves with new bus routes and infrastructure improvements.

Mat-Su, Alaska Considers Doubling Sales Tax for Education

The residents of Mat-Su, a small town just outside of Anchorage, Alaska, are facing a sales tax increase to help offset a multi-million dollar school budget deficit.  You may not think there is a sales tax in Alaska - there is no STATE levied sales tax but local cities are able to administer their own LOCAL sales tax.  While surrounding communities already have city sales taxes, it is a first for Mat-Su.  The proposal includes a three percent general sales tax with most of the revenue diverted to the school system, where officials say they receive less than $600 per student.  The lack of funds forced the school district to cut pay, reduce student activities, and resulted in the most crowded classrooms in Alaska.

Tax Referendum for Odessa, Texas on November Ballot

The citizens of Odessa, Texas will consider and vote on a sales tax increase proposed in Ector County.  The new tax rate raises sales tax from seven to 8.25 percent. The referendum, and any resulting tax revenue, applies only to those who live in the Ector County Assistance District.  If passed, the funds will support roads, first responders, and law enforcement.

Sales taxes are consistently changing around the country and your business has exposure. Check back with us to stay up to date on the latest reforms.

Brian Greer

Written by Brian Greer