Sales Tax News - February 2, 2018

By Brian Greer on Fri, Feb 02, 2018 @ 09:37 AM

Topics: sales tax news

Pasadena, California Considering A Sales Tax Hike

The city of Pasadena is facing a deficit of $12 million by 2024, and city officials are considering proposing a sales tax hike on items to close the gap and avoid layoffs.  Pasadena officials are considering putting a .75 percent sales tax on the November ballot.  The sales tax is estimated to generate $22 million in just the first year.  Money generated from the sales tax would help the city maintain its current level of services, invest in infrastructure repairs, and provide a portion to the local school district.  It could also help the city fix old sidewalks and aging fire stations.

Cayuga County Saw Third-Highest Sales Tax Collection Increase in State

Many New York counties saw 2017 sales tax collection increases, and Cayuga County saw the third highest in the state.  Cayuga County was one of only four counties in the state to see an increase higher than nine percent.  Sales tax collections increased by 10.26 percent over 2016 in Cayuga County.  Madison County saw the highest increase in New York at 12.21 percent. 

Naperville, Illinois Proposes A Sales Tax Hike

Naperville City Council members on Tuesday will begin discussing the possibility of increasing the city's sales tax rate.  If the members of city council approve the sales tax hike, sales tax will increase from .5 percent to .75 percent.  The sales tax is estimated to generate $4.46 million annually for the city.  The additional income raised would help fulfill the $2.1 million in changes that the city council requested their staff find to further reduce the city's property tax levy.  In order to change the sales tax rate to begin by July 1, the change would need to be filed with the Illinois Department of Revenue by April 1.
Brian Greer

Written by Brian Greer