Sales Tax News - December 19, 2017

By Brian Greer on Tue, Dec 19, 2017 @ 01:02 PM

Topics: sales tax news

Florida Senator Aims to Eliminate Diaper Sales Tax

Senator Lauren Brook, D-Plantation, is rallying support for her new bill, a cut on sales tax for diapers.  Brook claims this tax cut would directly benefit families when they need it most.  While fathers have increased their involvement in parenting in the last fifty years, studies show that women remain the primary influence in child rearing, and during a separation, children are more likely to end up with their mother.  Therefore, this bill, while potentially beneficial to many families, seems to resonate more loudly with women in the state.


Marietta, Georgia has Big Plans for 1% Tax Increase

Marietta County Chairman Mike Boyce and Commissioner Bob Weatherford are proposing to raise the county's sales tax 1% in 2018.  This increase would make the total sales tax in the county 7% with a portion of the 1% increase going directly to improving public safety conditions in the county.  With public safety funds coming from additional local taxes, the county's general fund would be better able to manage a projected $30 million budget shortfall.  The vote on the new tax increase is expected to take place in November 2018.


Good News for St. Tammany Parish Shoppers

Tax hikes implemented on January 1st in seven Louisiana economic development districts have been overturned.  Six of the development districts are new and will be returning to the original 9.75% sales tax, while the seventh will only drop 0.25 percentage points to 10.25%.  The tax hikes were intended to promote economic development and the recent decreases dropped the Parish operating budget from $107 million to $105 million in 2018.  The $31 million dollar capital budget was not affected.
Brian Greer

Written by Brian Greer