Sales tax concerns if you sell through multiple channels
Businesses have new ways to sell today, as marketplaces such as Amazon, TikTok and the business’s...
Sales tax is complex for businesses of all sizes. If you are a business with customers in multiple states, your scope and risk grows in accordance with the number of states and the sales tax complexities in those states. Sales tax obligations begin with whether you have nexus in a state or other locality. Nexus today largely stems from two main factors – a physical presence or economic presence. Once nexus has been established you must determine if your products/services are taxable. If you have nexus AND your products/services are taxable, then you likely need to register and comply.
Assuming you already have processes in place to charge and collect sales tax, file returns and remit payments to the tax jurisdictions, you most likely have an understanding of your current sales tax obligations. But, with the addition of employees, products/services, more sales in new states, or mergers and/or acquisitions, your nexus and taxability could evolve overtime.
Managing your sales and use tax obligations is not a small task. Ensuring you have the right people and processes in place is key to maintaining compliance and not putting yourself or your business at risk. If you’re looking to make a change in how you manage sales tax obligations (or get started), get in touch!
Businesses have new ways to sell today, as marketplaces such as Amazon, TikTok and the business’s...
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