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Managing sales tax through Shopify just got easier

Now there's an app to help you file your sales tax returns

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Introducing eConnex

A sales tax App for shopify users

eConnex is a sales tax app designed by the experts at TaxConnex to reduce the efforts and inaccuracies of sales tax returns from ecommerce businesses utilizing Shopify. Shopify works well to calculate sales tax, but it doesn't file your returns. That's still on you. 

Monitor Where You Need to Collect Sales & Use Tax

www.taxconnex.comhubfsEconomic Nexus Map July 2021


Easily Download Data for
Sales Tax Returns

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Dedicated Support to
Guide Your Decisions



Sales Tax Isn't Simple, But It Shouldn't Be This Hard

Sales tax plug-in solutions that supposedly simplify the sales tax filing process fit into one of two categories:

(1) They either take the sales tax data within Shopify, provide you simplified reports, and leave the sales tax filing up to you; or

(2) They take the orders from Shopify, recalculate the sales tax, and then file the sales tax that the plug-in recalculates, requiring you to reconcile the sales tax you charged and collected vs. what sales tax you remitted. 

eConnex is different. eConnex, along with TaxConnex, takes the data directly from Shopify and files the returns for you; reporting exactly the sales tax that you charged. No more reconciliation issues. 

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Ready to Learn More? 

“As a small business owner, there are only so many hours in the day and so many things you can do, so if you can hand off a portion of those tasks to someone who’s an expert and they can just handle it, that’s incredible. That makes [TaxConnex] a really valuable service.”


- Mary O'Brien  – Partner and VP of Sales and Marketing - Nautilus Puzzles