4 min read

Sales tax holidays: What’s coming this year?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, May 21, 2024 @ 11:48 AM

States’ sales tax holidays have been around almost half a century, but only recently have they gained widespread traction, usually as political tools to give taxpaying constituents a purported break and local retailers more foot traffic.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax retail ecommerce shopify
4 min read

Sales tax and Marketplaces: Who owns the responsibility?

By Robert Dumas on Tue, May 14, 2024 @ 11:33 AM

Once upon a time, selling online meant little more than setting up a website and sending both marketing efforts and sales direct to your customers from you.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax retail ecommerce shopify tiktok
3 min read

TikTok Shop and sales tax

By Robert Dumas on Thu, Jan 11, 2024 @ 11:35 AM

Business explosions are often followed by money-making opportunities within those businesses. With TikTok, the red-hot display showcase of short videos and influencers with more than a billion monthly active users, that opportunity takes the form of TikTok Shop.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax shopify tiktok
2 min read

Introducing, eConnex, an eCommerce app to alleviate the complexities of filing sales tax returns from Shopify

By Robert Dumas on Tue, Sep 12, 2023 @ 11:26 AM

TaxConnex is excited to announce that we have launched a new app for Shopify users to easily pull data out of Shopify for a better returns filing process. The new app, eConnex, gives Shopify users a simple way to get their sales tax data out of Shopify and upload it into TaxConnex's Client Connexion for easy returns filing.

Topics: sales tax compliance sales tax Now it's all on us shopify