
Technology products can create unique tax challenges

Frequently changing tax rules, new forms, updated tax rates, thousands of jurisdictions to work with – sales and use tax can be a daunting process.  Most Technology businesses lack the internal expertise to effectively manage this constantly changing landscape.  Which sales tax issues are critical?  Which jurisdiction changes are important?  Left unattended, simple problems will lead to overwhelming sales and use tax assessments.

TaxConnex provides the Sales and Use Tax expertise and support that you need through a remarkably experienced network of Practitioners with years of accounting and tax experience.

With our industry sales tax solutions here at TaxConnex, you can be sure to receive:

  • Access to the best sales tax professionals in the business
  • Confidence that the sales and use tax details are taken care of
  • Flexible client engagements customized for your business
  • Personalized service directed at solving your most pressing needs
  • Unique tax services and strategies that are designed to reduce the cost of compliance

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