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Webinar Replay:

Multi-Channel Selling & Your Sales Tax Obligations

What is your main channel of selling? There are many paths that a business can take to reach its end customers in order to sell the product or service. However, when selling your product or service, it is important to take into consideration the sales tax requirements that you need to oblige to. This webinar discusses what those requirements are and your sales tax obligations.

Learning Objectives

Key takeaways from this webinar:

- Discussing nexus and what it is

- Learning about multi-channel selling (direct sales, wholesale, and marketplace facilitators) and what those sales tax requirements


- Jeff Meigs & Brian Greer - TaxConnex

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More questions?

Get in touch! Fill out the form below and we will reach out to help relieve the burden of sales tax.  

Looking for more information on our survey of financial professionals and why it's the year to outsource? Check out our infographic!

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