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Webinar Replay:

Common Pitfalls of Sales Tax Compliance

Sales tax is complicated, even for the most experienced tax practitioners, but it is a critical part of running a business. Unfortunately just a few missteps can add up to big liability in the sales tax world. This webinar navigates the most common pitfalls related to managing ongoing compliance and provides tips to mitigate and manage your sales tax risk. We touch on:

- Economic nexus
- Taxability of products/services
- The impact of inventory and third party logistics providers
- Filing requirements
- Voluntary disclosure agreements (VDAs)
- Sales tax audits

More questions?

Get in touch! Fill out the form below and we will reach out to help relieve the burden of sales tax.  

Looking for more information on managing sales tax compliance for your business? Download our eBook!

Difficult to Managing Sales Tax In-House