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Webinar Replay:

Multi-Channel Selling & Your Sales Tax Obligations

Selling through multiple channels can greatly impact your sales tax obligations. Without knowing how different channels can impact your footprint, you could be putting yourself at risk for non-compliance. No longer is direct sales the majority way of selling; businesses are often selling through multiple channels, and each is often managed differently for sales tax purposes. 

In this webinar, we look at three specific channels – direct, through a marketplace, and invoiced sales – and discuss their potential impacts on your sales tax obligations and any nuances you will need to navigate to maintain compliance when selling through any combination of these channels. 

Learning Objectives

Key takeaways from this webinar:

- Determine how sales tax nexus can apply differently based on the channel you are selling through 

- Recognize that different combinations of channels can create a larger sales tax obligation than you may realize

- Examples of how to manage your sales tax obligation when selling through multiple channels


- Jeff Meigs & Brian Greer - TaxConnex

More questions?

Get in touch! Fill out the form below and we will reach out to help relieve the burden of sales tax.  

Looking for more information? Check out this eBook!

www.taxconnex.comhubfsGuide to Getting Sales Tax Right 2023 eBook